But I’m feeling 32…….(Pilot entry)

As I reflect over the last few years, I have come to realize how incredibly fortunate I am! I had just turned 32 last week and I feel as though I have reached a chapter in my life where I am content, at peace, and catching myself just watching my 3 year old son in awe as I reflect of how my life has come to be.

I have wanted to write a blog for a long time. I admire the fashion and lifestyle bloggers that I follow on Instagram and wonder how they make their lives so perfect looking. What is the secret that they have to the perfect hair, makeup, clothes, spouse, and house? What is it that makes them so attractive to other readers out there? I realize that the secret the happiness that they portray in their pictures and that I am beginning to discover myself is the content, the peace and the awe that life has to offer and to “live life to the fullest” as the cliché saying would go.

So here I am living life to its fullest. This blog will contain the Lifestyle of Tony (my husband), Donovan (my 3 year old son) and Tiffanie (ME!) We love to explore Seattle, we are continuously exploring the world of parenting (giving each other high fives and air fives when we feel like we have made the “right” parenting decision), we love to explore new restaurants, we LOVE LOVE LOVE brunch, we love to hike (the PNW offers incredibly places to explore), we (me in particular) love fashion, we love Jesus, we love to go on bike rides, we love to cook and bake, we love family movie nights, we love good bourbon and whiskey (and a good mimosa)…..the list could go on. And that my friends, is what this blog will contain.

My birthday was wonderful. It contained everyone that I love and everything that I enjoy! Here’s to a new year and here’s to a new blog!


  1. I am excited to read and follow. Sometimes the day to day grind of life leads us to a place of losing site of the blessing and joy the Lord gives us. Life itself is beautiful- but most often that is only felt in the "big" highs and "dark" lows of life. Achievements, adventures, successes, and milestones allow us to reflect on life smiling. Then dark seasons, hidden sins, embarrassment and loss of loved ones also leads us to a place in our heart reflecting on these things from a different perspective. The Lord calls us to find contentment in our walk with Jesus. This is not in our flesh or human nature to do. I believe (though haven't consistently achieved) the type of contentment you are sharing in your blog is a beautiful thing! I will be following your posts me sweet friend :) you inspire me!! You are beautiful and have so very much to be thankful for. I love ya!

    1. Thank you Nicole!!! I'm going to write about your wedding :)


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