Thank You…..To One of the Strongest Woman in My Life That I Have Never Met

April 18th…..Today is another day. Just another day for most people to wake up, drop off the kids to school or daycare, go to work, go to the gym and continue with daily routines. 

But today, 33 years ago, marks the day that I was born in South Korea to a mother who had made the brave decision to give me up for adoption. Then about 4 months later, I flew to SEA TAC airport and was handed into the arms of my new parents. 

It has not been until recently that I have truly understood the sacrifice, emotion, turmoil, love and strength of the woman who gave birth to me. I have been wondering:
-What was going through her mind as she gave birth to me?
-What physical hardships did she go through while carrying me in her? (Because my pregnancy with Donovan was TERRIBLE and it made it TOTALLY worth it when I was able to FINALLY hold him….but to her….how was it worth it for her?)
-What circumstance was she in that made her pregnant with me?
-After she gave birth to me, did she cry when she had to hand me over to the hospital?

I have not been one who has struggled with the idea of being adopted. I never have felt empty, unloved, abandoned, or even the need or desire to meet my birth parents because my mom and dad have done such an amazing job in making me feel loved and fulfilled. But I often wonder who is the woman who gave birth to me, Tiffanie Lynn Froese, 33 years ago? Because in my eyes, she is one of my hero’s. SHE made the decision to continue my life. SHE made the decision to give me the chance to be given an amazing set of parents. Through God’s plan for me, I am thankful of EVERYTHING that I have done, created, and experienced and thankful for EVERYONE that I have met and have the opportunity to love and care for over the last 33 years. 

So, here is a tribute and thank you to one of the strongest people that I have never met. Thank you for giving me a chance to live the last 33 years and continue to live the next 33 year plus years.

Cheers to 33!



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